101 Chess Opening Surprises. Reviews of the first edition 101 Chess Opening Surprises. In addition you will learn more ways to respond to common 1e4 openings such as aggressive openings like the Kings Gambit Evans Gambit and the all important Sicilian Defense.

The notation uses co-ordinates the easiest way it seems to meMoreover on every page are three diagrams to illustrate the moves that are discussed. Jun 28 2020 101 Chess Opening Surprises by Graham Burgess----- Dont forget to hit the Subscribe button for all of my videos. Explodes right in your face with ideas in all openings ranging from the sublime to the ridiculous GM Lubosh Kavalek WASHINGTON POST I was stunned by some of the authors ideas.
Offers a brief repertoire with the line 4c4 Bb4 5Nc3 Ne7 focused around the games of.
Surprise is an extremely powerful weapon in chess and especially in the opening. The other alternative 6b4 is refuted by the strong piece sacrifice 6Bb6 7e5 d5 8exf6 dxc4 9b5 0-0. Paperback 128 Pages. 101 surprising and novel ideas for chess openings all explained in a user-friendly style.